Scientific Conferences & Workshop Organisation

AMLD - 2024: Workshop on Machine Learning for Social Good: Algorithmic Data Challenges when working with Vulnerable Populations Organiser - General Chair

AAAI ICWSM - 2024: 5th Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable at the International Conference on Web and Social Media 

AAAI ICWSM - 2023: 4th Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable at the International Conference on Web and Social Media

IC2S2 - 2023: Tutorial on Capturing Human Values during Controversies at the International Conference on Computational Social Science, Copenhagen, DK

AAAI ICWSM - 2022: 3rd Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable at the International Conference on Web and Social Media

AAAI ICWSM- 2021: 2nd Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable at the International Conference on Web and Social Media 

IC2S2 - 2019: Tutorial on Modeling Human Values with Social Media Kyriaki Kalimeri and Mejova, Yelena at the International Conference on Computational Social Science, Amsterdam, NL

DPH - 2019: Young Researcher’s Forum at the International Digital Public Health Conference(DPH)

AAAI ICWSM- 2019: 1st Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable at the International Conference on Web and Social Media

AAAI ICWSM- 2018: Social Media and Health: A Focus on Methods for Linking Online and Offline Data at the International Conference on Web and Social Media 


Invited Talks

Bocconi University of Milan: Navigating Moral Narratives in Vaccine Decision-Making: A Multifaceted Analysis of Cross-Border Misinformation Dynamics. Milan, Italy, October 2023

Universidad del Desarrollo: Navigating Social Complexity: Cross-Border Spillovers of Vaccine Hesitant Content and the Political Underpinnings around the Vaccine Debate on social media. Santiago, Chile, August 2023

IC2S2 Conference: Panel Debate - Using Computational Social Science for the Sustainable Development Goals, Copenhagen, July 2023

IC2S2 - 2023: Tutorial on Capturing Human Values during Controversies at the International Conference on Computational Social Science, Copenhagen, DK

SECS -2023: The role of moral values during opinion formation and controversies at the Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and the brain, Lipari, Italy

MSCX - 2022: Summer School on Data for Good at the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks - Upcoming, Sicily, Italy

Queen Mary University: Institute of Applied Data Science, London, March 2021

Queen Mary University: Modelling Human Values with Digital Data, London, March 2020

UNICEF HQ Office of Innovation: Data Science for Good: Tracking Psychology, Behavior, and Health through Social Media and Beyond, New York City, November 2018

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Health Sciences: Multimodal Classification of Stressful Environments in Visually Impaired Mobility Using EEG and Peripheral Biosignals, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2018

NEETING: 2nd International Conference on the NEET (young people Not in Education, Employment or Training): Understanding Youth Unemployment in Italy via Social Media Data, Milan, Italy, December 2017

International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2017: Identifying urban mobility challenges for the visually impaired with mobile monitoring of multimodal biosignals, Bucharest, Romania, June 2017

Facebook Inc., Core Data Science Laboratory: Traits, States and Situations: Automatic Prediction of Per- sonality and Situations from Actual Behaviour., Menlo Park, CA, USA, January 2014

ISI Foundation, Data Science Laboratory: Understanding Personality and Social Situations from Behavioural Patterns, Turin, Italy, February 2014


2023: Best Paper Award in the ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good - Leave no Place Behind: Improved Geolocation in Humanitarian Documents, Lisbon, Portugal

2021: Best Poster Award in the Population Association of America PAA - Facebook Ads as a Demographic Tool to Measure the Urban-Rural Divide

2020: Top 10% high-scoring reviewers NeurIPS 2020

2019: Best Poster Award in the 3rd European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science - Polarization and Radicalization e500, Zurich, Switzerland

2019: Best Paper Award in ACM UMAP - User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization $1.000, Cyprus,

2018: Best “Tech for Society” Horizon 2020 project by Innovation Radar at ICT 2018

2016: Best Paper Award in Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction - Identifying Urban Mobility Challenges for the Visually Impaired with Mobile Monitoring of Multimodal Biosignals, Toronto, Canada

2016: Best Paper Award, Aldo Piccialli prize in the XXI Colloquium on Music Informatics - Sonificazione di ostacoli come ausilio alla deambulazione di non vedenti, Cagliari, Italy

Public Outreach, News, Videos

The Greek AI Ecosystem 

Nature Research Highlight “Parent forums a more conducive channel for vaccine education” 

La Vanduardia 

Die Welt